You never want anything to go wrong with your film or camera but on the rare occasion it does it can produce some wonderful results. This next series of images are from the same day as a previous set (Calton Hill) but from a different camera, my Yashica Electro 35 GT. About halfway through the roll I felt something go wrong but kept shooting anyways. Turns out the film wasn't advancing properly so the frames ended up overlapping in really interesting ways. These are the happy accidents that were produced. I think they look really cool.
Film Photography
Aberlady Bay
This next series of images are from when my Mum and I went for an afternoon walk along Aberlady Bay. In 1952 it became the UK's first Local Nature Reserve. All images were taken with my Contax G2 and Kodak Ektar 100 except for the last two which were taken with my Konica Pop and Fujicolor C200.
Loved the way the shadows fell on the bridge.
Beautiful view on what was a beautiful day. I feel this one really shows how great a film stock Ektar is, such great colours.
Been trying my hand at shooting some minimal stuff here and there. I feel like my eye for seeing those kind of compositions out in the world is improving.
A lone swan.
Another minimal landscape. I love shots like this.
To finish off this set of pictures from Aberlady Bay I'm going to post a couple from a quick test roll I shot on my Konica Pop. The Konica Pop is about as "point and shoot" as they come with fixed focus and exposure. The pictures it produces tend to have a lovely soft, lo-fi look to them.
3 Pals, 2 Rolls of Film and 1 Cat
Back in March I went to visit Adam and Emily to see their new cat Peco. I thought it would be a good idea to test some faster speed films handheld in dim light so I brought along my Contax T2 loaded with Delta 3200 and my Contax G2 with Cinestill 800T (pushed to 1600). At the time I didn't realise Delta 3200's true speed was 1000 so I shot it at box speed but despite that fact, I think they turned out really well. Sure, they are grainy but I think it's a pleasant grain. The pictures are mostly snapshots so don't expect my best work, but with that being said, I think I managed to get some really nice ones of Peco and his humans.
As you may have noticed the Cinestill shots have some purple spots/blotches in them which is something that can happen, apparently. Despite that though, I thought it did a lovely job and produced a unique look, especially with the shots of Adam and Emily in the bathroom.