Kodak Ektar 100

Whiteadder Reservoir

Early one morning back in June of last year I took a drive up to Whiteadder Reservoir. It's a lovely piece of land situated in the Lammermuir Hills. I remember going there with my Mum, Dad and sister when I was young and back then the drive seemed to take hours. In reality it's only about half an hour away and the drive itself is a nice one. On this particular day there was no one there except for a couple of fisherman, and when it's this quiet it really is quite idyllic.

All colour shots taken with my Mamiya 7ii and Kodak Ektar. All black and white with my Mamiya 645 Pro and Ilford HP5+. Development and scanning by Canadian Film Lab.


Aberlady Bay

This next series of images are from when my Mum and I went for an afternoon walk along Aberlady Bay. In 1952 it became the UK's first Local Nature Reserve. All images were taken with my Contax G2 and Kodak Ektar 100 except for the last two which were taken with my Konica Pop and Fujicolor C200.


Loved the way the shadows fell on the bridge.


Beautiful view on what was a beautiful day. I feel this one really shows how great a film stock Ektar is, such great colours.


Been trying my hand at shooting some minimal stuff here and there. I feel like my eye for seeing those kind of compositions out in the world is improving.


A lone swan.


Another minimal landscape. I love shots like this.


To finish off this set of pictures from Aberlady Bay I'm going to post a couple from a quick test roll I shot on my Konica Pop. The Konica Pop is about as "point and shoot" as they come with fixed focus and exposure. The pictures it produces tend to have a lovely soft, lo-fi look to them.
